My PRIDE 2013

Pride 2013

This year the theme was fearless which I think based on community politics was a very ironic theme. That’s another video for another day. But I’ll note that I can’t count how many times people have complained that their PRIDE center is more of a Center sans the PRIDE and unwilling to actually make a difference or reach out to grassroots LGBT organizations. But let me run you through my PRIDE 2013. Now, PRIDE 2012 was weird because I actually didn’t march in the parade I walked after it because I had to take a nap after I woke up late because I worked overnights. NOT THIS TIME! I decided that I would go and march with a group called Fabulous Friends this year and the night before I couldn’t sleep. I was too excited and I was also watching that show in the UK called Playing it Straight with a HILARIOUS commentator as well as some Boy Meets Boys. So 10am comes around and I’m showering, 1 and 12 is lineup and I eat some eggs and chicken don my shirt that says Bottoms Love Me on the front and Fabulous Friends of WNY on the back and head to the lineup.

Fabulous Friends is a group where people meet up who may not be all about the bar scene. I found out through two friends of mine, My big little sister and Grandma Kitty who are two women I love and respect. I met through the group the President Mr. James Hodhur who is wonderful and wants to bring people together to make a difference in the lives of LGBT people in our city. Some groups I went around to see were Spectrum, a transgender group with a lot of wonderful people as well as Stonewall Democrats and Life Changes. I took a few pictures and posted them on facebook. WE did the march and I took my bike with me so I could lock it up near the festival grounds. So we’re walking down Elmwood and behind us are a rowdy Univera crowd, and I gotta say they were great. There was this woman who picked with me a little bit but it was fun, and of course the obligatory protestors were there saying we have nothing to be proud of, I just made kissey noises at them and said: We love you! If you ask me coming out of AIDSgate and Republicanism of the 1980s and 1990s is no small triumph, as well as constantly fighting for our ability to live openly and honestly….yeah, I have something to be proud of for my community. There were all kinds of people there, people with kids, couples gay and straight, marchers, people with shirts that had pro LGBT messages on them and just enjoying themselves. Marchers tossed candy and superballs to kids, which they were eager to grab up.
So we get down to the festival grounds and I’m looking for the tables where organizations have set up their literature and things. I passed out some flyers for a movie called God Loves Uganda which is highlighting the US churches exporting hatred of gay and lesbian people overseas in Uganda particularly, but we see it all over. I also passed out cards for Fabulous Friends as well and approached some folks and just had a great talk with them. It was great meeting them.

 I also ran into a young lady I had no idea was a lesbian who I’d gone to church with, actually I ran into 2, one I found out is a lesbian and wasn’t frankly surprised when I found it out. I saw people who came last year, and just about every year which is why I called it somewhat of a class reunion every year. After taking a break for a little while and going back to the table I decided I was going to go and shake a tail feather. Then I see the President of Fabulous Friends hubby getting down like a bandit! I was like: You better get it Justin! I gotta say I sweat like a hog after dancing, and I was just loving it. So after deciding to get outta there, I hear this: and I can’t go just yet….so I start again and next thing I know the festival is over, we pack our bags, I got home. My feet hurt so much when I sit down I feel like an old man trying to run every time I walk. But all in all it was a great day. The only thing that sucked about it was when I woke up it would be Monday.

So if you have PRIDE coming up I hope you enjoy, I gotta get up to Toronto Pride and just have a ball with it. I hear PRIDE is a weeklong event there and it sounds AWESOME!!!! I’d like to see Buffalo PRIDE evolve to where we can see it grow on a grand scale. I have to mention that 2 years ago I heard some gay men say that they didn’t feel good about taking their kids to PRIDE because of the outrageousness, and I admit some exists, but I think they’re talking about PRIDE in some of the bigger cities where there is a bit more, but even then, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with some outlandishness, as it is an expression of themselves. But most people were dressed like I am now, shirt and jeans and all that. Of course we had some drag queens and leather daddies, and some other subgroups in the LGBT community , but that’s awesome that we could just come together for that one day and be family…albeit a dysfunctional one at other times of the year.  


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