Celebrating Others Accomplishments

A friend of mine is getting some good news today. My Mom also got some good news today and it’s involving a job. I am glad to hear it because of the fact that both of them are hard working people that deserve a leg up. See, Mom has done the best she can to raise all 5 of us and while I’m glad our Dad was there he wasn’t the emotional anchor that she was. I love my Dad buy my Dad’s actions need subtitles. But I see where both of them have come from and I see where they’re going and I’m glad that they are moving up even if it’s just a little. Gary however, seems to be moving to a bigger step but all of the experiences he’s had will now be a culmination of this and will gear him toward something better.

I remember when we were kids and we’d play school and he was confident that he’d be a Principal. I just wanted to be a teacher. Now today being a bus aide, I know my true calling in life would be in the courtroom or in the political arena. But every experience for him having a car that gave him trouble, being an RA and having the lovely experiences they have to deal with, being ordained as a Deacon and having to deal with being the one that everyone counted on for just about everything—that’s ongoing…it shaped him for where he is and the next step he’s going. A lot of this is true about my Mom. We counted on her for everything and now that she’s in NV, I can see where some of her complaints were about us growing up

But when I see this moving on up I have to think to myself: Good news is coming to me too. See, I see Gary and I think about myself and what am I doing to achieve success like he has. It’s not a foreign thing because my Grandma always said Gary’s walking, Terry should be walking soon, Gary’s talking Terry should be talking soon. When he bought his first house, it wasn’t without some aggrevation so at least since he’s been through it first I can at least pick his brain about certain things. The best thing about sometimes being late is always having someone who can fill you in. Sometimes when I wonder when my turn will come all I have to think about is: Look, it happened for him it could happen for you. Just be in the right place. This is how I celebrate his accomplishment while also averting any jealousy I may feel about his success. Yet he has remained humble and always the same Gary I grew up with.

I may always feel as though I’m late for the party but at least the appetizers are already out by the time I get there! I don’t have to be jealous I just have to be happy, I don’t have to be a hater I just have to make my way to the bathroom and make sure I knock on the door first. These are two people that I love and respect and I joy in their accomplishments because of the fact that I can. I can joy in their accomplishments and be glad because when you love someone, the one thing you want to see is them happy. My Mom and basically Brother, are doing great things.

Also, I want to mention my brother Santana. I have to say that I was his biggest naysayer but not really, more like I told the truth about him and he didn’t like it. He also got on my last nerve but that’s what brothers are for. I’m glad to see him grow into a young man with my niece and nephew who is working today and has his own something. I gotta get over to his house one weekend and hang with them all because after all of the struggles and craziness we went through over our relationship as brothers, Snay will never be Santana to me. He’ll be the little light bulb kid who was singing: Walkin’ down the street sippin’ ‘indo sippin on Nano juice.. He’ll always be in my memory that kid who was sucking his thumb rocking with my brother Adam and his twin Cricket busting out springs in the couch and making us push it forward so it won’t scratch up the wall.

We’ve come a long way and I’m looking forward to seeing what time has in store for all of us. It will be big! I can’t wait!



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