Chaplain Klingenschmitt takes on Right WIng Watch...And Loses Big!

Hey Blogosphere, it’s Spencer Hamilton

Being the astute political observer I am I try to keep abreast of a lot of developments like when TX LA and MS denied same sex couples benefits they deserved according to the Windsor ruling. All these states had to give out those benefits no matter if they were state or federal facilities. How they got around it was simply: Use federal workers at state facilities. Now, a lot of people don’t even like the fact that they even HAVE to give federal benefits in the state that says “no gay marriages” in our state. Remember after the ruling how everyone said: You’ll be forcing everyone to say it’s okay? Remember all the doom and gloom about…everything? Gun Control, Immigration, Minimum Wage, Jobs, passing LGBT nondiscrimination laws and saying that religious liberty would be at stake if we passed them laws? Now of course there are people like Right Wing Watch that has been cataloguing a lot of these people like Pat Robertson, Pete Labarbera, Bryan Fischer and Klingenschmitt whom I like to call Klingtoshit. They catalogue things like: Him reporting that Student Non Discrimination Act is a “No Child Left unmolested” Amendment

He writes the following here:
This summer Franken snuck his pro-bullying legislation which threatens to defund any public school that fails to promote homosexuality (bullying Christian kids to reject their parents' religious beliefs), by inserting the language from his failed "Homosexual Classroorms Act" (aka Student Non-Discrimination) into Senator Tom Harkin (D-IA)'s Elementary and Secondary Education Act (formerly known as No Child Left Behind). The result is Al Franken's "No Child Left Unmolested" amendment, which mandates a pro-homosexual federal curricula for all public schools, and defunds any school that resists. He deceptively campaigns it will stop bullying, but actually it bullies your Christian kids and teachers, removing power from parents and school boards, by threatening to withhold funds, if they refuse to teach kids that sin is normal. - See more at:
Now of course, protecting gay children is the equivalent of harming them as we see in the India and Australia courts' decision to make anti-equality decisions such as criminalizing gay sex and invalidating gay and lesbian weddings. If we want to protect children let’s punish adults we don’t like.

I started hearing about him with more frequency thanks to this site: Right Wing Watch (hereafter referred to as RWW) on youtube and their blog. I heard about him when he informed us he’s carrying a concealed weapon should any of RWW’s viewers decide to “follow up on the death threats” that he had seen in youtube comments. He also maintains that RWW was okay with such threats but on David Packman when he appeared on his show he would have none of it. RWW has about 90 clips of The “Chap” saying a photo of a gay couple with a baby “looks a bit like lust” and how he said

West Point Chapel Desecrated By 'Acts Of Sodomy' Performed On The Altar”after two men were married there “

A Demonic Spirit Is Behind President Obama's Attempt To Turn The Marines Into An Abomination Through Unisex Hats”

Gays Want Marriage Rights In Order To Gain Access To Children  

Gay Couples Demand To Have Sex In Your House

Transgender CO Student Is Visually 'Raping' Girls By Using The Locker Room

Dr. Chaps Is Running For Office!

Now there is a theory which I’m not surprised about when it comes to Klingtoshit where his crusade against Right Wing Watch comes into play. That last one specifically, he is running for office and I guess he doesn’t want people to know how extreme he is (Ken Cuccinelli and E W Jackson as well as Mia Love come to mind, although Mia Love didn’t seem as extreme as the other two but in time I’m sure it would be handily revealed) so of course, he has to get rid of the evidence.
RWW’s page was taken down after copyright complaints were given to youtube and well, he gives three reasons  1. RWW is getting money from his material and 2. death threats in the comments 3. Fair Use isn't in play here

RWW doesn’t monetize their account and raise money. One can’t do so with copywritten material.

Klingtoshit is only warring against the youtube channel because he doesn’t want anyone to see how extreme he is and even if RWW wasn’t around, we’d have amy Daily Kos, ThinkProgress articles about him and his rabid anti equality stances.

Under Fair Use they can in fact use his clips, as long as they critique or say something aobut him. On their blog they embed the videos and therefore the copyright claims are bogus

He’s only doing this to silence dissent

Also, he claims he’s not trying to hurt RWW but in one of his videos he lets us know he has a concealed weapon saying:

“so for those of you watching on RightWingWatch and issuing death threats against me, just know that if you come to my home and you threaten my wife, that I will defend myself and my wife." On the bright side, he did also promise "to pray for your soul, I pray that you go to heaven":

Now of course I’m sure that many of those threats if any exist are credible the main thing about it is this: He puts on a brave front when there’s no real danger, as most conservatives do when they’re going to die to stand against: Gay marriage, climate science denial, food stamp cuts, all that. No conservative has ever been killed over any of these things. Those so called death threats if any exist, are most likely jokes like the 45 caliber renovation, even though I say it’s a little too far to say something like that.

Klingtoshit just wanted to shut down RWW because of the fact that he’s running for office and wants to hide what his real intentions behind seeking the office and I know what it is: To impose theocracy. Now he says he doesn’t want to harm RWW or anything like that but the fact that he has used bogus copyright claims TWICE and shows no signs of stopping his assault tells me that I couldn’t trust this guy ANYWHERE, let alone in a statehouse

His actions against RWW tells me that he would target anyone and everyone (like Scott Walker did) who would dare speak against him and what he does with whatever means he can do so. After all, didn’t the MI Legislature fail to get a rape insurance bill overridden and pass it as a citizens initiative? This is the kind of dogged determination these people have to punish people who politically disagree. They will use all the loopholes they can and will defend it until their dying day because they believe they’re right even if they are DEAD WRONG

Klingtoshit, I thank God that you had this tussle with RWW because that proves your character, that you will be petty about disagreements and shut down dissent on procedural grounds. The only thing I have to say now is: Let’s hope you lose in the primary


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