Subway and the First Lady of The United States
Subway and the FLOTUS
Michelle Obama has done some healthy eating
initiatives like: Let’s Move which focuses on getting up and being active Drink
More Water (as our body is over 60% water, it helps us out a lot) and now she’s
teamed up with Subway
I’ve enjoyed Subway for many years, it helps me
eat healthy on a budget and makes me feel good about taking care of myself when
there’s alternatives like Taco Bell, Mighty Taco, McDonalds and KFC
I think about those places and get massive
indigestion. KFC is Kooky Fatty and Creepy. Mickey D’s is a Massive Disaster
and Burger King is nothing but a Big Klunk in my toilet I can’t eat that stuff
What happens when I do? I’ll refer you to Season
3 Episode 9 of Extreme Makeover Weight Loss Edition when Chris Powell decided
to switch diets with his client Ashley. You can take a look at the 27:48-35 min
mark of that to see what Chris goes through (27:48-35:00)
Now at first glance, you can see the plain
horror in his face as he tries to get this stuff down and he knows his body is
going to rebel against it. His physical pain is what our bodies go through when
we eat like she did. Yes it tastes good, that’s why it was so hard to give up
and remains a struggle for me, but it gets easier as I eat cleaner
So of course, we’ll see a lot of people try to
balance out this act by not eating Subway and eating more Quiznos or
Chick-Fil-A and becoming even more obese than they are, then they’ll spurn
Obamacare in their state (or not because they don’t know it’s Obamacare—shameless
O care plug)
Now I found out that Former Governor of
California banned soda pop in CA schools (good there) but of course he’s a
Republican so no controversy there
This is a prejudicial controversy. People went
in with a set idea about The First Lady and now by association with her husband
people are going to be boycotting Subway that probably weren’t even customers
in the first place. The Obamahatred is silly, we have an obesity epidemic in
this country and every high profile person (I’d venture to say even Richard
Simmons) can help.
So if anything I hope we all learned something.
I’m going to continue to patronize Subway because I like the assortment of
sandwiches and the fact that I feel like I’m taking care of myself when I eat
there. It’s better than McD’s or Burger King or even the Chinese Food out
Until Next Time Dear Readers!
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