What's Your Excuse?

Welcome to the Spencer Hamilton Blog
What’s your excuse?

Those three words challenge us because we know they are a bunch of hooey, foolishness, mess, stupidity. WE all know our excuses are like a security blanket doused in gasoline that’s waiting for a match. You know you’re better than that excuse. The greatness that lies in you is too much to let something get in the way. You’re not too fat for this, you’re not too skinny for this, you’ve just stopped trying, or you didn’t get moving

It’s TIME! Time for you to leave your excuses by the wayside. You know your excuses are not as great as the greatness in you. But it’s going to take some work, stretch you beyond your limits like that 60 year old bodybuilder who started lifting a year ago when he looked in the mirror and realized his age had nothing to do with his capacity to grow. Excuses are jibberish. You don’t have to be the way you are now; you are supposed to be greater. When you’re operating below your capacity and potential you are committing spiritual suicide, like a caged bird that refuses to sing you’ve let your excuses fester and you’ve become bitter refusing to go and grab your goals by the short and curlies

So what’s your excuse? You’re not too fat you can still move, and if you’re bed ridden then clap, wiggle your leg lift it up do whatever you can so that you can be greater than you were before. That guy beastin’ it on Plyo has one leg, That 90 year old Grandma? She’s doing Crane one of the hardest yoga poses and I’m afraid to fall on my face. What’s your excuse? Take a look at the woman fighting her brain knowing she looks ridiculous and sweating like hell trying to get her fitness. She knows she’s not too fat for this. She’s pushing with all she has and she knows that every workout, every meal, every choice from here on out will affect her fitness. That skinny kid who was picked on in school is beastin it seeing in his mind the body that he has, dreaming about it and picking up that weight and doing another set in order to get his fitness. So take a look at yourself and  see that you are  stronger than your excuses, that you are stronger than the stupid rationalizations that you cook up in order to live beneath yourself. STOP!

Now, talk to yourself like you’re encouraging a child to do its best, stop listening to that halfwit voice that makes you stop believing in yourself. Call that voice a liar, grunt your teeth, growl all you need to in order to get through it, scream because that burn is taking over and you need to get that last rep in because that’s where your results are. Keep on pushing as far as you can and expanding your horizons. Write them down, make your goals and set some small ones, NO EXCUSES! Let’s fall on our faces, let’s get up and tell how fun that was and if we can get back on the ride again. No more excuses! You had a baby? It’s too easy to let yourself go. It’s not realistic? Of course you’re going to ridicule it as unrealistic because you don’t want to put in the work. Let them go, smash them and take control. Grab your life and make it what you will. Excuses…ain’t nobody got time fa dat! You have a body to define, a life to live, art to make, music to share with the world, a script that will change people for the better, you have a lot that the world would lose out on if you don’t throw the excuses to the wayside. Put that pen to paper, Pick up that weight, work a little harder, push a little faster it’s all up to you and history will judge you by what you do RIGHT NOW! The only one stopping you is you.

So, tell me again: What’s your excuse?

Until Next Time Dear Readers


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