Real Newsblast Episode 3: West Virginian Progressives Step Up

Hello all welcome to Real Newsblast with Vidhead85 this is Episode 4 A New Hope…oh wait, well it kind of can be called that so this episode is titled West Virginia Progressives Step up

Lissa Lucas was speaking to the House of Delegates Judiciary Committee’s HB4268 which is a bill that would allow a company to drill on private land without their consent.

So she did something that people have been saying for a long time “Follow the money” by listing the donations of the people who are pushing to pass this bill she was later tossed out of the House of Delegates…HER House of Delegates. Regardless of where you stand politically money in politics unites people and getting rid of it is what we absolutely have to do: PUBLIC FINANCING OF ELECTIONS is where we have to go!

Further, she is now running for WV House of Delegates-7. The current Delegate is Jason Harshbarger, he was one of the people on the Judiciary Committee that had her thrown out, and I believe she was on his name about to disclose his donors. The West Virginia Primaries will be held on May 8th, and since she is running unopposed she and Harshbarger will be facing off in November. I believe this is another district that did go Trump in 2016

Richard Ojeda was elected in 2016 to the WV State Senate
Support for teachers strike

“What should be illegal is how we treat our working class citizens in West Virginia”

On January 17th, ran a story regarding Richard Ojeda. He was the canary in the proverbial coal mine that warned of a strike looming if the Legislature refused to listen to teachers. Being a former teacher himself, he has even shot a video recently showing his support beyond mere words. He also highlights Lissa Lucas and supported what she did in the House of Delegates. We can use more Democrats like Ojeda who rightly criticized the Democratic Party and leadership for leaving behind working class voters. I am hoping that should WV return to Democratic control that it will be full of Richard Ojedas. He is in fact running for WV CD 3 rated safe Republican and the incumbent Evan Jenkins is running for the US Senate. Ojeda is one of 4 according to Ballotpedia the Primary for WV will be held in May when their primaries are held on May 8th.  I will include the link for you if you don’t know when your state’s Congressional Primary date is. NY is TBA but I do know the state Primary date will be Sep. 13th


Paula Jean Swearingen, also supportive of the teacher strike, is running for The US Senate against Joe Manchin. He is a Coal Baron who voted for all of Trump’s cabinet and has been called the Democratic Liaison to Trump by WV’s Governor. When Paula Jean confronted her Senator, she raised a lot of questions and concerns: Streams that have been polluted, children and families are getting cancer and dying, people are clamoring to those who’ve been voted in to represent them and here is a man from Vermont who cares more about West Virginia than the ones who are in office to advocate for West Virginia.
She came up on my radar mainly from the Bernie Sanders town hall and the hug that broke the Internet that day. After much consideration, Paula Jean Swearingen had declared her candidacy for US Senator from West Virginia. Their Primary will be held on May 8th. Let me also state that Joe Manchin actually threw a gauntlet that if the Sanders supporters didn’t want him in office, to Primary him and throw him out. So I enthusiastically support Paula Jean and will do whatever I can if I can make calls, or send money--which I plan on doing—because she will represent the coal miners and their families. She will support Medicare for All and renewable energy, public financing of elections, raising minimum wage, reforming a terribly broken criminal justice system. She will be a voice that will bring the average person to Washington, because she is one of us. Sick and tired of being sick and tired of Corporate Blue Dog Democrats like Joe Manchin

I will share links to Lissa Lucas’s Paula Jean’s website as well as Richard Ojeda’s Congressional website so you can donate should you so choose.

Thank you for joining me for Real Newsblast West Virginia Special. I also would like to show The Jimmy Dore Show who is a nightclub comedian with the best hecklers, The Rational National who is Canadian and does great coverage of American Politics. Dave Pakman who does a variety of great work and Hatriot Mail for me is hilarious. The Humanist Report—if you enjoy the style of Rational National you might enjoy THR and last but not least The Real News Network, like click subscribe let’s make real news something that wakes people up and mobilizes them for true and lasting change. You can also support any of them on Patreon if you like

Lissa Lucas website
Richard Ojeda website
Support for teacher strike
Paula Jean website


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