Real Newsblast Special Bulletin

Hello all Vidhead85 here. I am editing a few videos on Real Newsblast and I wanted to put forth a special bulletin (video link here:

Tomorrow is the Illinois Primary and I am hoping to see Biss win his run for Governor to face off against Ranauer and Marie Newman to pick up IL-3 and Kaegi for Cook County Assessor, I saw an article that really showed some friction big time in that race that had ties to helping development companies and corruption in that office. Kick them out!

Austin TX faces 4 bombs sent to what seems to be prominent black families and I don’t know how accurate it is but the last one was an IED. That leads me to believe a racist veteran could be the culprit, or at least someone in the circle of the families with an ax to grind I can’t be sure until I know more

I did a video about Conor Lamb winning his race but I just wanted to highlight that here, it’s going to be featured in an upcoming episode of Real Newsblast

Also, the Jimmy Dore Show recently did a video on CIA Agents/Personnel running as Democrats

Cambridge Analytics has been exposed after 2 years in its possible role for swing the White House Trump’s way, but I’m wondering if it will get the same kind of traction that Russia will get. It might if it guarantees ratings as big as Russia. My next question is: Russia’s a story with legs, how long til those legs get tired and hit the pavement?

In Maine a GOP candidate who relentlessly bashed a Parkland survivor who is Cuban and bisexual recently dropped out of the race

In OK 40 of 57 Republican State Representatives have no Democratic Opponent. As the threshold for majority is 51, all they need to win is 11 seats to win outright control, though it is likely they will win much more due to gerrymandering. Justice Democrat, Connie Johnson a former State Senator is running to be the First Black Governor of OK but let’s also mention Stacy Abrams could also be if she wins in Georgia. Let’s support these two champions!

Speaking of GOP, the Pennsylvania GOP’s last ditch effort to overturn the Supreme Court-drawn map has failed as the Supreme Court refused to hear or overturn the new map. That map will stand until the next round of redistricting

16 Democrats including Stabenow MI Tom Caper of DE Bill Nelson of FL Joe Donnelly of IN Jon Tester of MT Joe Manchin WV Tim Kaine of VA Heidi Heitkamp ND and Claire McCaskill who are all up for re election, voted with Republicans to allow banks to discriminate against black people and women, two core constituencies they say they are for. If Schumer wanted this bill to fail he would’ve urged all Democrats to vote against it and killed the bill. Let it be known that Schumer wants the political points for opposing it but not killing it

That’s all for the Real Newsblast Special Bulletin I’ll see you soon!


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