Real Newsblast Episode 4 Democratic Upheaval

FYI: I decided to share the link to the YouTube video (

It was thrilling for me to watch Texas Primaries, who kicked off the campaign season, runoff elections will be held on May 22nd, two weeks after West Virginia’s Primaries. I’m beyond ready to see if the Justice Democrats who made the runoffs will win, I’m rooting for them. One happens to be the subject of our first story

When the DCCC Chairman Ben Lujan (D-NM) saying that he would fund candidates who oppose abortion in order to start winning races again; Lara Moser wrote a piece opposing the move. She states in the first paragraph of her op-ed (link below: “As a 
first-time Congressional candidate, I’ve been warned not to criticize Ben Ray Luján and the powerful Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. I’m running in one of the most competitive House districts in the country, and I’ll need all the support, financial and organizational, that I can get from party leaders and organizations. But I cannot hold my tongue while Luján and the DCCC abandon the commitment to human rights that brought me to the party in the first place.”

Moser wrote an op-ed about how in order for the Democratic Party to start winning again, and if they want women to vote for them they need to stand up for women.  She talks about how the Democratic Party establishment has come around but it has been late to the game on many issues that were once thought “far left” as well as some of the hypocrisy in the party that has driven voters away. The DCCC then released an opposition piece on Moser and this is what it contained:

The DCCC took a comment out of context about not wanting to live in Paris, TX where her grandparents are from that she’d rather have her teeth pulled than live there. She prefers big cities, like Houston where she currently lives.  Paris TX is not in TX 7 by the way. They attacked her saying she just moved back from DC and is out of touch with everyday Texans—which if funny because the DCCC is a DC-based organization

I think an underlying fear is one that all progressives hear: She’s too liberal to win in this district. So let’s go back to 2006 In a piece by the Intercept called Candidates Who Signed Up to Battle Donald Trump Must Get Past the Democratic Party First  it talks about how in 2006 when Rahm Emmanuel was head of the DNC they were focused on the same kind of tactic they are now: How much money can you raise.

The DCCC sent out a memo regarding Primaries and I want you to take a look at #3. 75% of money raised needs to be for TV ads. Hardly anyone watches TV ads, but most of it is done on social media. So why would they have this in there? Because consultants get paid win or lose and Moser isn’t using their consultants. Her husband however is running his own firm and the D Trip tried to make it look like corruption, their plan backfired as she made the runoff. They will fight like mad to defeat her in the runoff so give time, money and spread the word about Lara Moser to help her in her race
Also let me point out that the DCCC has dues from Congressional Democrats they must pay, that funds it. If they can’t have the incumbents pay to D Trip then it will present a ripple effect throughout the party or at least the Party Leadership. Now it makes sense why Nancy Pelosi endorsed Dan Lipinski even though he voted against the Affordable Care Act is anti-choice and basically a Blue Dog…she doesn’t want those dues to stop if Marie Newman gets in….that’s part and parcel why they are fighting against progressives so much.

The NRCC sent out a maddening memo the day after the Las Vegas Shooting saying “You and your candidate will be understandably outraged and upset, as will your community. However, DO NOT POLITICIZE IT TODAY. 

It goes on to say There will be time for politics and policy discussion, but any message today should be on offering thoughts/prayers for victims and their families, and thanking 1st responders who saved lives. 

The next slide will be a screenshot with the full memo sent out. 

Then the kicker: It wasn’t Republicans who sent it, but Democrats. A similar memo was sent out after the Parkland shooting last month

Democrats have been gun shy, they want to win races so they’ll pretend to be Annie Oakley but when a tragedy comes around like Parkland…which should not happen with the frequency it does in America they get all gun shy. Democrats claim to be standing up for the People, why can’t they do it when it comes to guns? Or Wall Street? They are paid, like many news anchors to have an opinion. Regardless of whether you’re in a Red, blue, conservative or liberal state people should not be afraid of going to school, a concert, work, or to a restaurant, or to live their ordinary life under fear of an AR-15. Ben them already! The 2nd Amendment is not beyond reproach

Thanks for joining me for Real Newsblast with Vidhead85. I am going to show you some of my favorite NewsTubers. Please support them by subscribing and click the bell because YT has unsubscribed people from Independent news all the time. If you like what you see there support them on Patreon and they’ll appreciate it. This has been Real Newsblast with Vidhead85. Enjoy the rest of your day


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