Real Newsblast Episode 7 Impeachment, Eligibility and Redistricting as Speech

So In the first episode of Real Newsblast I decided to cover the PA gerrymander map that gave Republicans a 13-5 advantage in Congress. 


It was challenged and later redrawn by their State’s Supreme Court, later the PA GOP challenged it to the US Supreme Court and it was denied a hearing. The next move seemed to just fret and accept it right? No, the next move was to bring articles of impeachment against 4 Democratic Judges that ruled to toss out the old map. After articles of impeachment were brought, the Majority Leader State Rep Dave Reed doused those concerns and while he opposes the map he believes that disagreement with a particular ruling should not be grounds for impeachment

Eligibility: Abdul El Sayed Michigan

I recently told everyone about Abdul El Sayed in a previous episode of Real Newsblast and I have a small update: He has went to Court to settle the eligibility question saying he had a dedicated room at his parent’s house while he lived in NYC and worked there while his wife finished her studies. I am hoping this gets resolved soon so he can continue campaigning and win the Primary. Theirs is August 7th

Redistricting as Speech

Wisconsin’s map has been terribly gerrymandered just as bad as Pennsylvania’s and North Carolina’s, and now The Supreme Court has taken up a 2nd case out of Maryland which has been redistricted to a 7-1 Democratic advantage this time the suit has been brought by Republicans who feel their speech is being abridged by gerrymandering. Also, in District 6 which is the subject of the lawsuit a Republican has filed to run but no Democrats. This may be a winning by losing strategy, but I feel the Court will see through this. I hope that more states can come up with an Independent body that deals with redistricting so that people can feel better about the outcomes of elections. No one will be completely satisfied but at least an Independent panel can restore some faith in elections

This has been Real Newsblast Episode 8, check out these independent news media outlets and if you like what you see, consider giving them some support on Patreon. Also, The Humanist Report just got a new studio too so take a look at his page and see it for yourself.

Thanks for watching and see you for Episode 8: Noor Salman, Photoshop and YT Case 


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