Real Newsblast Episode 8 Cases and Propaganda

PULSE Case People v Noor Salman

After the June 2016 attack on Pulse nightclub, people clamored for action, but I don’t think the action people wanted was to go after Omar Mateen’s wife, Noor Salman
To the case: Judge Byron, who presided over the case asked a few questions of FBI Special Agent Richard Fennern, and it revealed exactly what many marginalized people have faced: that the FBI knew that Salman is innocent of the charges but decided to bring them against her anyway. Judge Byron ended up lashing out at the FBI committing fraud in order to advance this case. Let it be known that it’s rare for a spouse to be prosecuted for a terrorist attack carried out by their spouse, even when suspected

It goes on to say that Mateen regularly abused her, Salman has a low IQ, was registered in Special Ed classes and is high on the suggestibility index which makes her vulnerable to manipulation. There was also no real proof of being sympathetic to the Islamic State nor any locational proof of the two going down to Pulse before that night. Evidence DOES suggest that Mateen wasn’t even looking for gay clubs, he just searched for nightclubs and Pulse showed up as the first result. Also, Salman had every opportunity to flee the country but never attempted to do so.

Ms. Salman was acquitted of all charges by a federal jury, which almost never happens when the defendant is Muslim



Emma Gonzales is one of the Parkland survivors who has been a public figure in the aftermath of the shooting. They’ve gotten a lot of flak from the so called pro-gun radicals who actually believe that it is egregious to demand that children not be shot at while attending school. So, this picture of Gonzales ripping up the Constitution went viral and stoked a lot of hatred because we all know the 2nd Amendment is the only one that matters, not the 5th and Due Process, or the 10th with state rights or the 14th which talks about Equal Protection under the law, the 25th which prescribes the process of filling a Presidential vacancy. Or the 22nd that calls for Presidential term limits! Only the 2nd Amendment matters to these people. It is in that service to the 2nd Amendment, right to life liberty and pursuit of happiness is subject. That is bananas! Bonkers! Silly! Crazy! Idiotic! If there were no 2nd Amendment they wouldn’t care about the Constitution anyway.

I’ve also run across people who are treating every call for sane gun regulation as if it’s an attack on their guns. Well, we have safety regulations on many things to the government must be trying to take away cars, rollercoasters, medicine, water and even food

If your whole thought process when a mass shooting happens is: What about Chicago? Gun control laws don’t work there, then you are a sorry excuse for a human being and trash is too polite of a complement for you

YT Case

On March 26, a Judge (Lucy Koh) dismissed a lawsuit brought by Conservative Personality Denis Prager that alleged that Youtube was silencing conservative viewpoints. The Judge said that the Plaintiff did not support his case.

Dennis Prager blipped on my radar when I used to listen to Christian radio a lot and later on when a Prager University video came up on the Civil War. Later I found out that Prager University is a digital media operation that advances conservative thought and not an actual University. The lawsuit said that Youtube and Google had unfairly monetized and flagged their videos and even placed it in the restrictive mode.

Now, something is fishy to me because I’ve seen a few Prager U videos and I have never seen anything objectionable other than just disagreeing with some of the views of the speaker. What I think is going on is two-fold: Using Russia as an excuse to silence independent media and advertisers not wanting to advertise on something controversial. I think those two taken together explain a lot of what’s going on as well as changing their algorithm to put “trusted” read corporate results first  

With that I will suggest these NewsTubers who are covering a lot of news that I am interested in and if you want, you can support them on Patreon I am sure they will appreciate it. YT has also been unsubscribing people so click the bell so you can be alerted every time they upload a video. Thank you for joining me for Real Newsblast, see you for Episode 9: The Scott Blues


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