Real Newsblast Episode 6: Special Election, Deregulation, Assassination

Episode 6: PA-18, Deregulation, Assassination

Welcome to Real Newsblast Episode 6 Special Election, Deregulation and Assassination

When PA-18’s Republican Rep Tim Murray resigned after it surfaced that he got a woman pregnant then encouraged her to have an abortion. Gov. Wolf then called a Special Election was called for March 13th to fill the seat, Conor Lamb and Rick Saccone emerged as the candidates who would face off for a seat held by a Republican since 2003.

Now the districts will be changed because of the court ordered map (I made a video about that one and I’ll link it below as well, that was my first episode of Real Newsblast) so they may not run in the same PA-18 as was drawn when the election’s results are finished and certified.

The setup: Conor Lamb vs Rick Saccone, surrogates from both sides Biden for Democrats and even Trump for Republicans had a huge prize on the line here: If they keep it, it bodes well for the midterm elections. More time passed and with 627 votes separating Connor Lamb and Rick Saccone, the race got called for Lamb. Now there were about 200 other votes left to count but as it wouldn’t have made up the gulf between the two.

Now for the Republicans and what they’re saying about it: Trump must have tweeted that Lamb ran on some of the things the GOP ran on to win, but the opposite is true—anyone surprised? So now that a Democrat holds that seat and it represents such a large swing from 2016, I wonder if that means that by and large suburban voters are starting to turn on him. That remains to be seen in November

A Bipartisan Middle Finger To You

Bipartisanism is a word people like to hear so they can feel good about legislation passed. People working together like regular Americans, but when they’re both owned by Corporations, it’s par for the course when it benefits their donors. A bill was passed to undermine Dodd-Frank,  Yes Dodd-Frank was a good start but it needs to be strengthened and I say we need to be draconian with financial crimes, like they are with marijuana offenses when the possessor has a brown face, but I won’t hold my breath.

Part of the legislation could allow JPMorgan Chase and Citibank, two of the very biggest banks in the U.S., to hold less capital relative to their assets, undercutting one of the 2010 Dodd-Frank law’s safety measures.


One provision would require such firms to give customers free credit freezes, although critics have complained that measure would also pre-empt more generous state laws and still allow employers and insurance companies to look at otherwise frozen credit reports. The bill also gives Equifax and other credit monitoring firms a leg up in the mortgage business.

Other parts of the bill would exempt banks with less than $10B in assets from the Volcker rule which prohibits banks from making risky bets with bank money, and one that would weaken the government’s ability to ensure nondiscrimination in lending against women and people of color. It would be easier for a bank to hide such practices under the Senate bill as well as hiding predatory lending practices. It would also say that banks with assets of $50B+ would be “too big to fail”

Red state Democrats like Joe Manchin, Heidi Heitkamp, Joe Donnely, Claire McCaskill and Jon Tester are supportive of this bill and are some of the ones up for reelection this year. Some face primary challenges as well, I hope those sitting Senators lose over their support of this bill. Democrats can’t claim to be for the people when they support this legislation which allows them to discriminate against the People

Marielle Franco

A prominent Brazilian Councilwoman was executed on March 14, 2018. Franco was elected in 2016 to Rio De Janiero City Council, part of a wave of Black Brazilians who are making their voices heard in government. She is of the neighborhood Favela de Mare, a poor community rife with police brutality which she has spoken against on Twitter. She was named to a Committee that was to keep a close eye on military police operations in the Acari community which she is also a part of. Around 9:30 on March 14th after leaving a black women’s empowerment event, another person was killed and another suffered shrapnel wounds.

It goes to show that the powers that be are so afraid of our defiant voices actually causing revolution that they will kill Black Lives Matter activists, ignore Haitian Americans, arrest Black Londoners, wherever we are when we raise our voices against the status quo and assert our individuality they will kill, fight, jail, do whatever they can to silence us. But they can’t silence the revolution. Many Black Brazilians are now talking on the mantle that Marielle has donned her whole life, and while they can kill the revolutionary, they can never kill the revolution. They can spy on us, infiltrate our movements, but have to wait for a bomber targeting black people to contact them…
Thanks you for joining me for the coverage of the Special Election in PA-18, if you want more real newsblasts just like rate, comment subscribe and share. Also I will be shouting out a few more people who are Independent media that you can subscribe to and click the bell to get notified whenever they upload a new video


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