A Dream I Had To Share

Spencer Hamilton on Thursday, December 15, 2011 at 7:32am

Last night I had a weird dream, but it wasn’t exactly all that weird. I noticed my Darryl was largely absent from this dream, and some details were also a little weird

It all begins when I lived back on Broadway and Hickory Street, in my room I remember going there and having a cat, which weren’t allowed in the building. I remember seeing the cat underwater and thinking that I really miss them.  I was looking at footage of this cat too, while Sia’s Breathe Me was playing (it was used in SFU’s series finale) Next, I was in a house with a woman and two children, I felt I knew them through someone else and I chewed out one of the kids for trying to bully the other one in the bathroom. There was a golden retriever I remember petting and just being happy to have him. The House was pretty big too,  as if it were meant for a family, but I think I was the only one there at the time.  The house I found out later was in Allentown (our local gay neighborhood)
Next I remember a huge protest/gathering on Allen Street. People were everywhere, cars trying to get through still and there being little to no room to get by.  I remember trying to get an old woman out of the path of a truck and people were saying: Be careful! Because the woman could hardly walk as fast as I was, I apologized but she said she knew I meant no harm to her. A few seconds later, I saw these people in purple and red KKK-like costumes that for some reason the words I kept getting the feeling that this was a protest regarding the Supreme Court. That part scares me because the Supreme Court will be injecting itself into the political arena more than ever this term. I told the Grandmas that I had to get home, and that I would call them later. I remember Grandma Kitty wearing something that looked like spray insulation foam with chocolate chips on them, which I thought was weird.

So I’m walking home and I see a train to my left, when in fact they should be underground and I know Main St is on my right. I’m heading toward North Street at this time and I pass a Brownstone like building and I’m home. Right in the middle of Allentown. So I go home and I see my partner, who reminds me of someone I know whom I’ve seen around and even once went to one of his parties—a mutual friend invited us. I will call him Brad. So I get home and it’s calm, the woman and kids I sense has moved out and we have the house to ourselves. Brad tells me that he’s picked up some chicken because he didn’t feel like cooking tonight. So he’s at the computer and I wrap my arms around him and moan. He remarks: I haven’t heard that in a while, I’m gonna get laid tonight I then apologize as I say that a lot has been on my mind and I’ve been really busy and don’t ever want him to feel as if I’m neglecting  him. Then I wake up and wonder if the reason I had that dream was not because I ATE before bed, but because I didn't! lol.


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