Spencer The Pilot Part II

Hey everyone, I'm back with Part 2 of the story, I desire some constructive criticism if you are able to offer any. This is an original adventure inspired by Rupert Bear and adventure shows that were fun and exciting for me to watch as a kid. Enjoy!

Part II

     “Aaaaaaaaaahaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhaaaaaaa!” I screamed as my horse landed on its side and all I could think is Five hundred pounds resting on my leg. Milo struggled to get on his feet as I tried to get to mine; next I know I’m hanging upside down close to the horse’s belly. I suddenly remembered Robin Hood Men in Tights and then righted myself on him, for some reason I could feel a vibe that he was moody.
You have a right to be moody I thought I was on my way to writing a ConnecTube video and I’m here
     “Aaaaaaaaaaaaaahaaaaaahhhhhhhhhaaaaa!” I grabbed Milo’s reigns and had him run a few feet to see Will tumble out and his horse a few feet away from him. Will grunted and got up, whistled and the horse came trotting. Senegal then came out of the vortex as if he had Pegasus
     “You guys look like crap” Senegal said blasé and trotted off “You’d better hurry up; we’re going to hit some of the obstacles soon. Ercon Forest is full of them” He looked at us as if we horses walked briskly.
     “Can we set up camp before we reach the forest?” I asked
     “I’m hungry” Will said “What weapons do we have? First, do we have any food?”  
     “It’s best that we get through the forest first” Senegal said, I could tell he was tired but trying to trek on. I needed to believe that we were on our way to something soon. Shelter…it wasn’t rainy, but it was starting to get dark and we knew it would be cold. I could go around with Milo, but it would be good to have him near a river.

     “I don’t hear much of anything” Will said, listening intently “I think men are or were in these woods” He said, looking around
     “I’m don’t think anyone else is around” I said “I wonder what obstacles are in these parts” Will said as his horse stepped down and jumped up, nearly throwing Will off and falling to one side. Will jumped up and ran to a nearby chair, hoping not to be trampled by the 500+ pound horse that was just under him.  
     “What happened?” I said as Senegal went over and looked down at the horse’s hoof
     “Looks to me like he stepped on something. A spike perhaps” Senegal said, touching the horse’s hoof and nearly getting clopped in the face. “I’m going to have to get some ointment. In 5 minutes he’ll be up and running again”
     “What do you mean?” Will asked incredulously
     “Just hold his hoof” Senegal said “Spencer, you stroke him and calm him. If he’s not calm, he’ll kick all of us and run” That’s all I need is to get kicked by a horse and fly 500 feet in a reality I’m not even from! I then looked the horse in the eye and stroked its mane and face while whispering to him. Will grabbed his hoof and shocked the wounded animal and nearly got kicked. Senegal came up with a small tub with a rag in it. I saw the protrusion of a long spike that had to be at least 12 inches long.
     “They used to do this in medieval times to paralyze horses” I said, Senegal was rubbing the horse’s hoof and working some ointment into his hands and started working near the bottom of the hoof. Coating his hand with ointment he started to work it into the wound and the horse, instinctively wincing because of the pain got ready to kick but withheld, I looked at him and spoke to him in soothing tones so he could know it was for his good. We then sat for a good twenty minutes

     Will’s horse recovered, and speedily too. I was pretty impressed with Senegal’s balm. We went into a city that was stunningly beautiful after spending the night in the woods.
     “Oh my goodness” Will said as we saw the city inside the Northern gate “I’ve never seen such beauty” He said breathtaken and just plain awed by the sights. So many people and so much seafood! Scallops, crab, trout, tilapia, all kinds of fish…and by the smell of it, someone had let it spoil. I saw when we entered on our horses, that the fish still had scales on them and they weren’t gutted. More for us to clean  I thought More chores in a strange reality…Ooh…this reminds me of the Prince of Persia. I feel like doing some parkour…and then it hit me I’d have to lose weight and gain some agility too
     “Smells like we’ll have fish for dinner” Will said frowning “I hate fish but I can stomach it if I need to”
     “I’ll grab some chicken for you then. No good eating anything you can’t stand” He said, tightly focused on every detail of this place
     “I thought this was an obstacle course reality” Will said
     “It is” He replied, looking at everything. “We have to make it to the port. It’s weird that we’re not staring down archers or something” Senegal was puzzled, so was Will   
     “Maybe we can get out of this trouble free!” Will said, trying to brighten up the mood. As he laughed, a bird pooped on his face. We all laughed and made our way to the port.

Port Zerunga was an amazing place!
     “Zartok will be here soon. While we were in town I sent word through radio. I hope you enjoyed the Chicken Kikongo” He said, as Will burped
     “I guess that’s your compliment” I said jokingly. We got to port on our horses and saw a huge boat coming into port. “Is this us?” I asked
     “It looks like it. It’s the Zaire!” He said, smiling broadly. It was the first time I saw him smile since we were here. It was pretty interesting seeing the ship come in, which was massive. It reminded me of being in a movie, like Moby Dick or something else. I was amazed as I heard someone say “Anchor it!” I felt the ground shake as the ship came up to the sands of the beach port when they anchored.
     “Zartok!” Senegal said “How are you old friend?” He asked
     “Who are you calling old? I’m only a year older than you”
     “Just a year?” Senegal said
     “Okay 5. We’re going to go into town you want to go with us?” Senegal looked as some o the crew were departing and going up the beach
     “I’d rather stay here for a while, just came from the city” Senegal said
     “If you want something to eat, we got Pepper Pike on the stove” He said “I’m sick of the stuff myself. Tried to get a dolphin but I like them too much to eat them” He then ran off toward the woods

     “And by the stars of Orion as sure as I’m standing here I saw a Gundar” He said “It was at least 10 feet tall of the Cyclops family and it was furry. He smelled the air and I hid. He kept smelling around to see what it was and when he took another step forward I released the rope and boom, a big tree trunk came swinging his way! He didn’t know what hit him until it was too late! I then took the gold and got my men back and hauled ass!” Zartok said, laughing and banging the table
     “Tell us another one” Will said, a little hopped up on the Bekruvian Wine
     “I’m ready for bed right now” I said, yawning
     “Tell them about the time the Zaire ran across the Q’pala” Senegal said and had a horrified expression on his face “Cracken” He said, as the boat started tossing and turning. It seemed like it was going backward. I could hardly stay in my place with my chair sliding toward the wall. I jumped up and fell on the floor instantly jarred out of my sleepiness and stumbled around as best as I could. I was shaky, and my legs felt like jelly—it felt like all I could do was flop around upright.
     “What’s going on?” I asked
     “A Cracken must have shored” Senegal said, trying to get close to the stairs
     “Cracken???!!!” I said, wide eyed “Those suckers are huge!”
     “What is a Cracken?” Will asked
     “A creature of gargantuan proportions that have been known to sink and destroy ships! There’s no way to fight them as far as I know!” Spencer said    
     “I don’t know how to fight them either. We don’t know what they want or what they’re like” Senegal said, as we made our way to the top deck. We got up there and slipped and slid around the deck as it was wet when the Cracken shored. It stared us down, as if daring us to get past him
     “Stop the ship” Zartok said “In all my years, I’ve never ran into a Cracken. We’re in trouble if it goes back down” He said, looking behind him and seeing some tentacles behind the ship “Oh shit! Salt cannons!” He said “See if that does something”
     “You’ll only anger it” I said, as someone took a seat on the deck and grabbed the salt cannon “Aren’t we in saltwater?!!” The salt cannon roared to life and shot out some brown sandy mixture in the water. I hope it's environmentally safe I thought as The Cracken shrieked and started convulsing as it convulsed I felt a rumble underneath my feet and a wail
     “What is that?” I asked, looking as the tentacles shrunk away and more wailing ensued as we were nearly tossed overboard
     “It’s going to crush the ship!” Zartok said “Get the life rafts”
     “How are we going to get away? He’ll set his sights on the rafts. Maybe he sees the ship as a threat!” Will said and shrieked as the boat rocked some more. The salt cannons had done some damage but the Cracken’s tentacles seemed more resilient with the salt now. I ran over to a tentacle that was splintering a sailpost and tried to pry it off but it seemed like it was glued to the post, I pulled and pulled, only to have the nearly come off and land on top of me
     “I think the salt works like glue for the Cracken!” I shouted, no one could hear me over the rush of the wind and the Cracken’s wailing “Maybe it thinks the boat is a threat!” I suggested
     “It doesn’t matter, I can’t communicate with it”
     “And you’re supposed to be a magician?” Will said, as Senegal put forth his hand in a bid to get the Cracken to release the ship
     “Captain Zartok, get the life boats! I’ll put a seal on them so we can be safe from the Cracken’s tentacles!”
     “Get the life boats in the water!” He said “They’re all stored on the bottom decks on the sides! You’ll have to make due with that!” He said, pulling out his sword and cutting a tentacle off “Take your swords and cut them off” He shouted. We did, and it seemed that as we cut them, they started to grow and wrap around the shipmates and connect to one another, overpowering the crew to throw themselves into the sea
     “It’s not workin Cap’n!” I ran around trying to cut the tentacles and throw them off into the sea before they could grow and attach themselves to the other crewmates. It seemed like an impossible task.
     “Will?” I looked around for him; he was at a salt cannon, spraying at the Cracken. “Will” I said, running up to him “Spray the deck!” I said “Maybe the salt will weakened and I can throw them back” I ran and shouted “Gang way!” Will shot the salt cannon and while it was water like substance; it looked like it was more like sand coming out and coating the deck floor. The creatures that sprang to life from the cut off tentacles screeched. “Toss them into the sea!” I said running around the massive deck.
     “Shit!” Will said, watching the little things shrivel and splinter the planks of the deck. Wait, I thought as the ship began to do a move similar to a nosedive of an airplane, The Cracken is submerging again and taking the ship with him
     “Abandon ship!” Captain Zartok said, scaling down the side of the boat “Whatever you do, get to those life boats!”

So this was the obstacle I thought A huge Cracken to wreck the ship you’re on. I thought this would be a beautiful cruise. We were on a small life boat and we don’t even know where we’re going
     “The gate is right there” Captain Zartok said from another life boat
     “The gate?” I asked
     “The pen is almost dead, he was taking me to the gate to Sky Kingdom” Senegal explained.
     “Wait a minute; couldn’t you have vanquished the Cracken?” Will asked,
     “Magic wasn’t created to solve ALL problems, sometimes it even causes or exaggerates them” He said, standing up and grabbed a branch from his bag and made a mark with the pen on it “I thought it went dead” Will said
     “I said almost” Senegal answered “Zylinia’s wand will get us there” He dipped the ‘wand’ into the water. Waited
     “Some wand” Will and I said in unison. A chill started to pick up and we were almost blown out of our boat.
     “Hang on guys” Senegal said As if you have to tell me that! “We’re going in!” Senegal touched the top of the boat and we were levitating, but where were we going?
     “Holy Shipwreck!” I said, echoing a phrase I heard on James and the Giant Peach. A vertical vortex opened up voraciously like a black hole to take us into it. I had the death grip on the boat, so much so that I was nearly cracking the wood That Cracken could throw us in here I thought
     “Hold on tight!” Will said holding onto me and the ship as we were thrown into the vortex
     “See you around buddy!”  Captain Zartok said “Radio me anytime!” He called in after us


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