Spencer The Pilot Part 1

Spencer The Pilot Part 1

by Spencer Hamilton on Tuesday, September 27, 2011 at 9:06pm
This is was born of my yearning for cartoons like Rupert, Scooby Doo, Tin Tin and things that were fun and entertaining on television. I wanted to write about a character that had two Dads that would also remind me of myself. I wanted to share this because I wanted to also get some constructive criticism as well as how to make it better. I am currently writing part 2 and I wanted to get SOME of my writing out there to my lovely Facebook friends!

Spencer Pilot

I looked at my camera that I hoped to record some videos on
     “Is this thing on?” I said, looking in it then saw my face superimposed on the screen “Will?” I asked
     “What is it now?” He said, still fiddling with the computer, I looked at the computer screen and paused at my nose
     “Why didn’t you tell me I had a cliffhanger?” I felt around for some Kleenex I kept on my computer stand
     “And I was supposed to notice it from where?” He shot back, still at the back of the computer. I scowled at him
     “I hope you know I love you but I don’t like you very much” I replied, still looking in the camera and relieving the visitor of his place under my nose “Good”
     “Check it now” He said as I heard something that sounded like a rumbling…What was that? It rumbled again…Sounds like someone’s stomach. Will laughed nervously “I gotta get me something to eat” he said, inching out the door
     “Don’t drink up all the Yoo Hoo’s!” I shouted after him, he then dismissively said he wouldn’t. I looked at the program I’m supposed to use to upload these things and I’m ready to record. Hold On, I thought I’d better write down what I want to say, it’s just like me to turn a 3 minute video into a 10 minute thing. I looked around for a pen…not just any pen, but my fountain pen I found in the hallway complete with an ink bottle. I knew they didn’t make this anymore—I sound like an old man I thought to myself. I also found that I could write without the ink bottle, strange but okay. I felt that lovely push on my bladder, and I had to relieve myself of that burden. Precious seconds later, I emerged and sat down ready to write my first ConnecTube video! Where is my pen? I thought It was just here. I looked around for a few seconds and felt a cool breeze but I swore I didn’t open up a window. I went to close it and my pen is floating in mid air with the ink bottle…wait…I know I’m crazy but I didn’t think I was that crazy! Who cares? Something’s not quite right here! I climb out my window as it is tall and it connects to my Grandma’s house. Grandpa put a ladder down there so we can get to the ground with no problem. I might need it I thought After—it—whatever! I grabbed my pen and the ink bottle in both hands and I felt something weird---someone actually pulling back! What? I thought shocked and falling backward onto the roof; I spilled ink all over me while the Phantom of a being fell down. So there I was looking over the side and lost my balance falling—in the general area at least—of whomever it is.
     “Good I got away” I heard, and honed in on whoever it was.
     “Oh no you don’t...” I said seeing a black hole open up and grabbed the black mass. “Oh no!” I said, hurling into the vortex “The Dads are going to kill me!” I shouted to no one in particular.
     “Aaaah! Duhi!” What in the world was that? I wondered and saw a big black spot above my head, I stepped aside
     “Will?” I asked, seeing he had Yoo Hoo all over his face, and looking at him incredulously
     “I can explain” He said, childishly as if that could get him out of it
     “Explain it to the Dads’ belt! Or the fat end of my baseball bat if I get blamed for it!” I said, as he got up
     “Oh dear!” Someone said, in a long purple robe that came up to his knees and he looked like he had white pants/shorts/dress like robes on underneath. It looked like a wizard from a Fantasy novel. “You must have gotten pulled here” He said, looking us up and down. “I’m going to have to get you clothes in the next reality” Color me puzzled.
     “Uh Merlin or whoever you are, you owe me a pen” I said, narrowing my eyes at him “And where are we, I can’t see anything”
     “First, you STOLE my pen, and second you’re in the Reality Partition, it separates the realities from one another so they don’t blend in” He said
     “So parallel universes do exist?” Will said, with a British accent “Consider the possibilities!” He exclaimed as ‘Merlin’ waved his wand near Will’s mouth
     “Much better” He said “I’m Senegal what’s your name?” He asked, extending his hand to me
     “Spencer and the one you just gagged was Will” He looked over at Will, trying to drink the rest of the Yoo Hoo but to no avail. Exasperated he put the top back on it
     “I’m sorry Will—actually I’m not” Senegal said, looking around for something “Damn Damn DAAAMN!”
     “What?” Will asked, obviously catching the Good Times reference 
     “The inkwell” Senegal then looked around and shined a light, it seemed to emanate from his hand which the light seemed to move with
     “What are you doing?” I asked, looking around and hoping to God I found whatever it was he was seeking
     “Wow…” he pointed to my shirt “You’re wearing it. I’m going to have a good old time getting you back to your reality” He gritted his teeth and a chair popped up out of nowhere, in which he sat.
     “Can you give us one?” I asked. Almost immediately, two chairs popped up. One for me and one for Will. “Can’t we just go back to the vortex we’ve been spat into?” I asked
     “It’s not that easy” Senegal then put us on a conveyor belt similar to one you’d find in the Jetsons cartoon “You see, I have to cross three realities in order to fill the inkwell again. First, I have to go through Nevra, that’s the one where magicians are illegal after that we have to go to Neiman which is a lot of walking and obstacles but my friend Gorgio will have something to get us through that one. Then we have to go to Sky Kingdom and get the inkwell. If we take any shortcuts, we’ll come back here” Senagal then looked at his pen “I think we have enough to get to Nevra” He then drew a circle and grabbed my hand, Wormhole here we come!
     “AHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA” Will grabbed my hand, lest he be left behind “What is this thing?” I yelled
     “Think of it like a sci-fi thing” Senegal said, smiling. As he tipped his head up, I felt something wrap around my waist and Will’s too, after that, we were connected “I wouldn’t want you to get lost” He continued “If you’re lost in one of these, something bad happens in the reality you’re from”
     “Like seeing each other and passing out?” Will asked   
     “That happened in Back to the Future” I said “What will really happen?” I looked at Senegal and he shrugged
     “All I know is its bad news” Senegal then looked at my waistband as if it was unwinding “Here it is” He said as I saw a hole opened up in front of us

Look at us I thought All muddied, what’s that sound? Mudslide?!!
     “Mudslide!!!” I shouted as we went tumbling like Michael Douglas and Kathleen Turner in Romancing the Stone. I must be gay with all these movie references I thought Wait, I should be thinking about getting out from under this mudslide first!
     “Okay, welcome to Nevra” Senegal said “We’ve got to get to the Orania market”
“Orania?” I asked, recalling the Afrikaner reservation in South Africa
“Yeah, it’s got everything, and you’d be amazed to see all the kinds of people we have here. People from all over the world here” He explained “In your reality it’s a symbol of apartheid, but here it’s the opposite. Things get stranger as we go on”
“Why are you so blasé about that?” I said, lifting an apple when a shopkeeper wasn’t looking “As if I’ve been here before” I looked at the apple and got ready to take a big bite out of it
“You could share some with me too” Will squealed as I grabbed my little pocket knife out to carve a slice out of it “So what do clothes look like here?” I asked, and then seeing the answer. It was an awkward pause for a second “I’m not wearing that!” I said as Senegal put his hand up and I couldn’t speak anymore That outfit looks like a parrot exploded  I thought Don’t be so rude Spencer Senegal projected into my mind It’s rude to read people’s thoughts without permission Senegal…hey, can you tell me what Will’s thinking? We looked at him I hate these…but at least I got something to eat out of the deal he thought. I felt around and my apple was gone. I sat silently while Senegal ‘unglued’ my mouth and he picked out clothes for us.
“Will, let’s walk around some. I want to see some more of the people here” I suggested “We’ll be right back Senegal!” I shouted as Senegal’s face went blanched
“Senegal?” Someone said, alarmed and running
“Where is he?” A woman asked, looking at me “I must know!” She grabbed my shoulders and shook me “He can help!” She said “I hope they didn’t hear you” She said, guarded and grabbing us away from where we were
“What are you doing?” I asked, she handed me a slip of paper “What is this?”
“Sssh! He must meet us here, if he doesn’t we won’t have a hope for our village! Give him this letter” She then zipped off leaving me there with the letter. I opened it up, only to see something that looked Japanese to me—I guess only Senegal could read it
“What is that? What language is that?” Will asked, as he held it up to look at it better. As he did, a brilliant light shone from the paper. Oh no I thought This can’t be good. We heard a lot of commotion and the name Senegal. Senegal looked at us as if he had to scram
“Come on!” Senegal said as something fired his way “Run! Follow me!” I looked at the item they threw
“What is that?” I asked, it looked like a small cannon
“Get out of there Will!” He yelled, as he grabbed him while we ran
“Why are we running?” I asked as he jumped onto a horse that seemed to materialize out of the ground, Will and I on one, Senegal on the other.
“To the woods!” He shouted
“What did the letter do?” I asked, looking at it
“Keep it, I wonder if it’s from Selena” He thought out loud, ducking branches “Spencer, take this and strike it on the ground once!” He said, I caught it, it looked like a maul or a mace, or something, not being one to doubt at this time when it could save our tail feathers, I didn’t hesitate, I struck it against the ground. As I did a flurry of branches opened up ahead of us and behind us they were closing, obstructing the view of our pursuers. “Cool” I said
“Watch out!” Will screamed, and the screen went black

“Spence” Will said, it seemed as if he were far away. “Spence” He said “Spencer wake up!” He shouted as I jumped
“What’s the matter with you?!!!” I shouted back and winced in pain “What happened?” I asked, moaning…after all I just woke up
“When the branches open up, you still have to keep an eye on things” Senegal said, giving me something that resembled tea
“Here” Will offered “it’s supposed to be a roast”
“Or a roast like substance” Senegal offered, sinking his teeth into the ‘roast like substance’
“We’ve taken them off the trail for the night but in the morning you should head out. They’ll find you if you stay any longer” A woman said, walking into the room. She took a seat down in front of a wooden easel “I’ve given everyone in the field to await your instruction. I’ll set out with you but we’ll break off so I can reach the others” Senegal then looked at me                   
“Spencer, you go with Selena" He instructed, I then looked at Senegal
     “What if they recognize me from earlier?” I asked
     “You throw all the blame on me” She said quickly “We’ll begin at first light and it should be fine”
     “Do they have alarm clocks in this reality?” I asked
     “Your body is your alarm clock” Senegal said, Selena looked at us and asked
     “An Alarm Clock? What is that?” She was puzzled
     “It’s loud and tells you when to wake up” Will interjected

Spencer and Selena were running as fast as they could, while Senegal and Will had also been running until they reached a cottage at least three miles away. It had taken all of their might not to crash, but they made it. Spencer and Selena were on their way to another place, where they would meet up with the resistance. Spencer had to stop for a second
     “Can’t stop now” Selena said, grabbing Spencer
     “Just let me go and rest for at least five minutes” He said, trying to catch his breath. Selena was now alert
     “I don’t hear any animals” She said, listening intently
     “I don’t hear anything either” Spencer said “Something’s wrong” He said, getting up and getting ready to run
“Men have been here” Selena said, as she began running “It’s only a matter of time before they catch us” She said, alarmed “We’ll split up” She said “I go east”
“And where do I go” Spencer asked, as Selena hadn’t gone off ‘East’ “I’ll just go the opposite of you” He said, rubbing his feet

Will had looked up at Senegal as he ran seemingly miles ahead of him.
“I don’t have a bottomless energy source!” Will shouted to Senegal, who stopped so that Will could catch up to him.
“We don’t have much time, we have to make it to the gate. The resistance knows where it is” Senegal said, as he was trying to continue running but at a pace that Will could catch up to him
“What’s with the slow mo?” Will asked
“Just come on” Senegal said, as Will began to gain steam
“I can try” He said “Spencer should’ve gone with you” Will asked, as he began to run

“Okay Selena” I said, running out of steam “My legs feel like jelly” I nearly collapsed, and sat on a tree trunk. “Let me rest” I said as Selena looked at me as if she were ready to kill me
“We only have a short time” She said, I then decided Eh, just get there. I felt something fall from my pocket and I bent down to get it
“Spencer!” Selena said, alarmed
“Waaahhh!” I said as I went flying up in the air, as I stood hanging and what had to be a ninja move, I saw people scaling down the trees. Leave it to me to get captured I thought Why am I the one that has to get captured? Where’s Senegal?
“You’re under arrest for aiding a magician” A man said, who was dressed in armor stepping near me and motioned to Selena. Selena didn’t let him get another word out, she did a flying kick to the Armor man who absorbed it and stepped back slightly. Her foot must hurt right now I thought. The other men came to her swords unsheathed, I had to get out of the rope of captivity, so what did I do? Well…abs don’t fail me now I thought as I tried to roll up the rope to let myself down. Ouch I thought, I got a cramp. Come on, Vin Diesel did this in Triple X, Just grab a piece of it and wrap yourself in it so you can go up the rope…Where’s your pocket knife? Selena was off fighting some of the guys with their swords as I cut myself down. I ran to help her and got grabbed from behind, next thing I know, it went black

“Spencer wake up” I heard a familiar voice say Will? I thought
“Senegal got away, he said he’d be here to get us soon” He whispered
“Don’t think that your magician friend will be successful in rescuing you” Someone said, outside the cell “The King has a special weapon that saps magic, I should know” He revealed a scar on his shoulder. I cringed because it looked painful.
“You have an audience before the King” Another guard said in a really gruff voice “Get them ready, Senegal is on the way” I didn’t get a good feeling about that Oh no, I hope you have pull a winner out of your hat
The King’s Hall of Justice looked like a place you’d dread being in. With knights all over the place clad in armor, I felt the bad butterflies in my stomach…and I felt like I had to take a dump
“Is that weird” I whispered to Will “I feel like I have to take a dump”
“If it gets any worse I think I might, you know I’ve never been good under this kind of pressure” Selena on the other side of me stone faced
“I suggest you shut up now” She said without altering her gaze
“Selena” The man on the throne said “Loosen her cuffs” He ordered, What? Does he know the damage she did to those guys out in the woods? She put 8 of them in the hospital! The other 12 had to subdue her and she didn’t go down without a hard fight! I thought And then there’s you, you blacked out before you could do anything to help, ya wimp I guess the look on my face was indicating my disgust with myself as Will asked
“What’s wrong?” I then looked over at him
“Nothing, just that I couldn’t help Selena fight off those guys” I said “I got hit on the head”
“Stop worrying about that and think of how we can get out of here” Will said, more like shouted as a knight looked at me “That’s what I would say if I wanted to leave this immaculate place” He said, laughing nervously

Senegal crept around the castle like a cat. He looked at a door which he knew was one of two doors which would lead him to the King’s Hall of Justice. He knew he had one chance, or it would be an elaborate roundabout if he failed to choose the right one and it would lead him back here. He pulled out a butterfly, it wasn’t a magic one but it was more mechanical infused with magic so it was one of the things that wouldn’t be affected by his magic dampener. “Go where I am going, go, go, go” He said The butterfly simply flew up over the heads of the guards and perched itself on the door that would lead to the King’s Hall of Justice. Two guards stood between the doors, all he had to do was get their attention. He looked down and grabbed out a vase, and sprinkling some on his face, he took the image of a fellow knight—this was also a magic-mechanical mix that the dampener wouldn’t have any affect over. As long as he did that, the magic would be mostly undetected, but he was on borrowed time
“I’m here to relieve you” He said, strolling up with his spear.
“We’re not due to leave for another twenty minutes” One said, stonily looking ahead. I have no choice, he thought, running up and banging the two helmets together fast enough to make a clang in their suits, they slunk to the floor as if they were chapel bells. He looked around to see what he could do to stand them up so no one will be suspicious
“I guess this’ll do” He said, grabbing a stick and putting it up the back of the armor close to the wall
“Don’t worry guys I’m coming” He said, opening the door

“Defend yourself Selena”
“Oh no, something tells me it’s gonna get Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon in here” I said
“Anything happens, and I’m ducking” Will said
“As if you have to tell me” I said, watching the dialogue unfold. The tension was so thick, you needed a chef’s knife to cut it
“So Selena, what are you waiting for?” He said, grabbing two sticks and handing her one to fight with
“Just fight” Selena said, her stick at attention. The King tightened his robe and stood as if he were ready for battle.
“I’ve become stronger since we last faced each other--sis” He said distastefully
I recoiled as the fight began

     “There’s the door” Senegal whispered “Why’s it open?” He walked opposite the door where two guards were. The guard standing there simply moved and retreated to another place nearby. Senegal decided to take advantage of the spectacle and make his move, but before he could he saw someone come running
“There’s an intruder in the castle” He said, he could tell he was a nobleman.
“YOU!” He pointed to Senegal, whose heart nearly stopped “Get in there and close the doors, when you hear this knock you open the door, no matter the reason, the King DOES NOT leave the Hall. Now Go!” The two knights parted with the nobleman
This is going to be easier than I thought Senegal went into the room as Selena was fighting brother fiercely, he could tell that Selena wasn’t trying to hurt her brother, but her brother was fighting to kill.
“Selena!” He said, revealing his face
“Magician!” The guards in the room lined up the aisles near the center, he ran to Spencer and Will as soon as he could. Senegal then grabbed a stick and threw it into the crowd of knights, catching it the knights looked alarmed.
“Seize him!” The King said

“We can’t move” The knights said
“Don’t worry, they’ll be fine in a few hours” The King
Backed up while Senegal shot out a stream near the King, which paralyzed him. He stood there, stiff as a board.
     “So will you” Senegal said, taking his crown from him
     “Good Queen, I believe this belongs to you” He bowed before Selena and gave her the crown.
     “Where is hers?” Senegal asked the King “It’s in the back room near the heirlooms, now let me go!” He demanded
     “You’re in no position to be demanding anything” Senegal corrected him firmly “Spencer if you will” I then went off. The back room was down a long corridor, I grabbed the Queen’s crown and as I went to leave the room I saw a box decorated with ornate jewels. I wanted to take some of them, but I couldn’t.
     “I believe this is what you’re looking for, Your Grace” I said, proudly.
     “Give it to me” Senegal said, I then given it to him with both hands. He then nodded to the Queen to bow “With this crown, you shall be named Queen. Queen Selena of Calezaria of the Nevra reality”
     “Thank You Senegal” She said “You’ve helped us more than you know” She turned to her brother “You will be my servant, and you will clean the stables. You will also eat from my table” She said, “If you raise your hand against me again, you will be sentenced to the dungeon for life” She said “It has been pronounced, so let it be written”
     “Senegal, here” She said, walking over to a table with parchment on it “From here on out, no magician will be barred from here unless they’re evil. So it is written, so shall it be” She went up to the throne “Father, I have come here to reclaim your legacy” She touched the throne
     “You have done well facing your brother” An older man who we didn’t even see enter the room said, he was clad in regal looking robes with beautiful light around him as if he were angelic “You did what you had to for the kingdom even if it caused you great harm” He came to her and cupped his face in her hands
     “I miss you and Mom” She said
     “We miss you too” Her mother came in, dressed ornately “But now is your time to forge your own path Selena” She turned to her son “You however Silverio” Silverio looked at his mother, terrified “How dare you list your sister as a traitor, she is as fit as the ant to draw breath on this wonderful planet. You will serve your sister the rest of your life” Silverio looked resigned to his fate
“You can’t stay here I know, but I’m sure you’ll send people my way to help me.” Selena said, smiling at her parents      
     “Senegal,” Selena’s Father said, turning to him “You have served us well, and our daughter. Our legacy is forever in your debt. May you be looked on in history with the greatest of admiration” Selena smiled at her Mom and Dad, and hugged them both until they faded, like a camera dissolve—and she ended up hugging herself.
     “We must get going” Senegal said, looking steely at me
     “Your Grace, would you happen to have any horses? Mares? Animals of the Equine persuasion?...” I offered, Selena laughed
     “Silverio, you will show them the best horses” She then smiled at us


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