Black LGBT and Larger Black Community Should Denounce Anti Gay Black Leaders

 In NC, anti gay black pastors and leaders have said simply that because most of the NC State Government believe as they do that marriage is between a man and a woman, that this ideal should be placed in the state's Founding Document. What's ironic is that the SAME ONES proposing this amendment put a voter ID bill on the Governor's desk which was promptly vetoed. this law would've kept the congregations represented away from the polls to vote May 8th on the proposed amendment if enacted immediately. It would've affected so many seniors, out of state students, and low income individuals who don't usually get state or government issue-ID.

I've railed against theocratic anti gay Christians who believe that religious laws should be upheld just because they're religious and people have told me: We're not all like that. I am not the one you need to tell that to. Tell it to Tony Perkins and Patrick Wooten the 'Diaper Pastor' the "Prolific Black Leaders" like Walter Fountroy who said gay rights were like Penguin Rights and whom are looked to in the black community as its voice

I don't owe the black or gay communities an ounce of loyalty if they rail against my rights. It's time for black gays and the black community at large to say that these anti gay leaders don't speak for me. Any black leader that would delete Bayard Rustin (and his South African Equivalent Simon Nikoli and the amazing David Kato) from history books because he's gay (and he was behind EVERY KEY VICTORY OF THE CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT) can't and DO NOT speak for me. People will say I'm slandering or persecuting these folks for their beliefs, but when you rail against MY LEGAL RIGHTS and work to take them away your behavior makes you bigoted because in doing so, you spread nothing but lies and falsehood to drum up support. I dare you to say this under oath and scrutiny of a court where you have to PROVE what you say to be true. I will not co sign on ANY anti gay bigotry of black leaders, many of them pillars of the community. I, in no uncertain terms say to you "You don't speak for me" so don't claim to!

I am one of the voices against Amendment 1 that would restrict the rights of gay and lesbian North Carolinians. I hope that the NO camp goes far and rejects this amendment. If they don't this could be an amazing setback, and the black gay community and larger black community can push this amendment out of the State Constitution which affirms equal protection under the law and right to privacy in its text. Amendment 1 of 2012, would offend such constitutional freedoms that we wish to promote.

Until next time



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