LGBT Youth

Hello All,
I’ve always been thinking about the next generation and what world I want to leave them. I’ve always thought that no matter what I want the youth that I deal with to know one simple truth: That I care about them, that I love them as they are, and that I will do all I can to help them grow into the beautiful butterfly they are. I don’t want another Billy Lucas, Raymond Chase, Zachary Harris or Justin Aaberg. In fact, it was reported that Justin’s younger brother was about to drown himself so that he’d see Justin again. It is terrible that Justin is gone from us physically, but also from his Mom, his family, his friends that loved him so much. Zachary Harris could’ve grown up to be a Doctor that found a cure for cancer, Raymond Chase could have been a scientist, chemist that could have come up with a cure for Alzheimer’s, he could’ve been the creative force behind the cure for HIV/AIDS, he could’ve been an entertainer that showed the injustice of America’s war against gays or he could’ve simply led a quiet life of quiet dignity and strength. Asher Brown could’ve been a businessman, lawyer, doctor, volunteer worker. All these beautiful lives extinguished…that we know about. I wonder about the suicides where the parents were more ashamed of their child and wanted to cover it up, that happened with a lot of AIDS deaths. I wonder what their lives would’ve been like, that can not be. My heart aches and yearns for a day when queer youth would be able to live out their lives in simple quiet dignity and fill their potential but like the me, who stand on the shoulders of people like Bruce Kogan, Carol Speser, Kitty Lambert-Rudd and her lovely wife Cheryle, they paved the long road for me to be able to be an out and proud black man who ‘gets it’ that this war on gay people is not just a war on gay people, but against the poor and outcast.

I want to see the federal government start a program for homeless LGBT teens and youth. 40% of homeless teens are LGBT and there is a sore lack of LGBT friendly shelters. I remember staying at the City Mission for a while and thinking: I gotta get out of here, the stench of homophobia, hopelessness and snide remarks from men who were not too keen on me being openly gay there and now that I look back on it I may have been a project for them or they’d have kicked me out and been within their legal rights. I also want to see a law where parents are punished for throwing away their children. I know that sometimes kids may be tossed out for various reasons, but that is not the case often times with an LGBT youth. I am sure that I can work toward making parents responsible for making their kids ‘throwaways’. These kids have lost everything and people don’t know what homelessness is like, let alone the fact that they are a stone’s throw away from it themselves. Also, sexuality and family is tied up in this too and they become, like gay adults pawns in a terrible chess match to show disapproval through law.

For gay youth, I hope that all we do can not only help them as they are in school, but after they get out into real life where they can’t be fired or harassed and that law enforcement will take domestic violence seriously as opposed to saying: They’re both one gender, it’s assault, or dealing with legal names before the name change has been done properly. I feel like we’re in a conundrum, we are hesitant to deal with LGBT youth at the risk of being looked at as if we’re predators. I have to say simply: My heart burns against those who automatically put us in that category and don’t know the difference between gay people and pedophiles. I want a MAN, not a boy. I love kids, I want them to grow up healthy and intact whether or not they have that support at home. I want to make sure that the young man I see myself In can grow up to be as amazing as he knows he is. I want the young lesbian to understand that she is beautiful whether she wears form fitting sweaters that show off her figure or dresses in hoodies and baggy clothes. I want that bisexual boy and girl to realize that they are not greedy and no matter which way they lean primarily or are as I call 50-50 bisexuals “split” no matter what they can be comfortable in themselves. I want that transgender boy or girl to realize that they have support. I wish I could see more of this on the transman side because I desire to get with transmen and just interact as MEN. Also, no matter which way you transition, there is a harsh reality waiting to introduce itself to you. That is no matter which part of the LGBT spectrum you are in. Civil War between Gay men camping out in feminine and masculine as I get older (I’m young but indulge me) don’t matter to me because I can enjoy both in good measure. Lesbians camping out in butch and femme hating on each other and exploring a love hate dynamic isn’t something I can comment on because I’m not privy to it. However, I have heard that butch women have been refused entry into clubs and I am not too keen on this at all. I am also disheartened when gay publications only deal with men and not with my lesbian sisters. Yes, men and women are different and primarily like to separate themselves by gender as many may be comfortable with their own gender, while some are comfortable no matter if they’re a mix of the LGBT rainbow.

 I hope that as we work toward a more perfect union that would include us, I hate how the all out cultural battle with LGBT rights is taking its toll on the youth. I wish I can talk to all of them, but I can not. I wish I can give them a hug and let them know that if you don't think anyone cares about you, I do. We all, every OUT gay and lesbian, bisexual and transgender and queer, allies etc. we are a point of contact for LGBT and queer youth. I want to just tel them that it's going to come out for their betterment. I've always wanted to work with young people, more young adults and teens because that is the time that they need the most support, chiding and understanding.

Hope you enjoy



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